The Talmud (Yoma 9b) states: "The First Temple was destroyed because of three sins that took place in that era - idol worship, adultery, and murder. Whereas during the period of the Second Temple the people were engaged in Torah study, the performance of Mitzvoth, and good deeds. If so, why was the Second Temple destroyed? It was destroyed because the people of that generation were afflicted with the trait of baseless hatred."
Rabbi Akiva taught that the axiomatic principle of the Torah is: "Love your fellow as you love yourself." There are two components of love: (1) Deed and (2) Thought.
"Deeds of Love" means to perform acts of kindness - unconditionally, abundantly, and unceasingly.
Whereas "Thoughts of Love" consists of two ideals: Firstly, the contemplation of the great worth of each member of our community, as well as the great value of the community at large. The very awareness of these precious thoughts, i.e., the love, importance, and worthiness of other people, is the basis of the world's existence.
The second ideal of "Thoughts of Love" concerns sensitivity to others, i.e., to feel the joy, pain, and needs of our fellow human beings.
For that reason, the "baseless hatred" of the people of the Second Temple period caused the Temple to be destroyed. The Temple was the link between the Nation of Israel and Heaven. The Torah urges us to love, value, and care for each other. When the love is replaced with baseless hatred, we no longer have the merit to have the Presence of HaShem dwell among us. Consequently, the Temple, i.e., the dwelling place of HaShem, can no longer exist on earth.
The Tikun (rectification) for the sin of baseless hatred is to relate to others with unconditional Love. Let us endeavor to view all of our family members and friends with a positive eye (including yourself.)
In this way, we will re-establish the awareness of "Love for our Fellow," which is the required condition for the Temple to be re-built.
May we merit seeing the return of the Divine Presence amongst the People of Israel.
[Based on Chachmah V'Mussar of Rav Simchah Zissel Ziv]
Today: Filter all negative thoughts of other people from entering your mind.
When you do think of others - only think of them in ways of how you can help them. (Rabbi Yisrael Salanter)
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