Monday, June 27, 2011

Respect the Elderly

The Torah introduces the Mitzvah of "Mipenei Seva Takum Ve'hadarta Penei Zaken," which is a law that requires us to; stand in the presence of, and give respect to, Torah scholars and elders. This means that when a Torah scholar or elder comes within four Amot (6-8 feet) of a fellow, the fellow must stand and remain standing until the scholar or elder leaves his four-Amot radius.
The question arises, what constitutes an "elder" for purposes of this Halacha? At what age do we consider one an "elder" insofar as the obligation to stand in his presence and afford him honor is concerned?

Maran (author of Shulchan Aruch) and most Poskim (authorities of Halacha) are of the opinion that a person becomes an "elder" at age seventy, while the Ben Ish Chai (Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, 1835-1909) cites the Arizal (Egypt-Tzefat, 1534-1572) as claiming that the obligation applies already from the age of sixty. Strictly speaking, Halacha follows the view of Maran and most other Poskim, that the Mitzvah applies only to those aged seventy and above. But, Halacha says of one who wishes to be stringent and follow the Arizal's view, "Tavo Alav Beracha" – he is deserving of blessing.

Very often, one sees an older person but cannot ascertain whether or not he is older than sixty or seventy. What should one do in such a case when he cannot determine the age of an older person?

Chacham Ovadia Yoseph applies to this situation the principle of "Safek De'orayta Le'chumra," meaning, when an uncertainty arises concerning a Torah obligation or prohibition, one must act stringently. In this situation, when the Torah obligation of "Mipenei Seva Takum" is at stake, one must stand, even though he is unsure whether the older person has reached the age at which this obligation applies.
Therefore, for example, if a person sits on a bus or train and an older person walks within four Amot of him, he must stand. It should go without saying that if the older person has no other seat, one must stand and offer his seat. Though this might seem obvious, unfortunately, in today's culture of selfishness, many people lack this basic ethical principle, and do not offer their seat to an older person on a bus or train.

By the same token, we must train our children to show respect to not only those over the age of sixty or seventy, but to adults in general. Every so often there is overcrowding in the synagogue or at community functions, and there are more people than seats. Parents should train their children to stand and allow an older person to have their seat. But when it comes to people above the age of seventy, or, according to the Arizal, above sixty, there is an actual Torah obligation for even grownups to stand and offer the older person his seat, and whoever does so first is credited with a Mitzvah.

In summary, one must stand in the presence of Torah scholars and elderly people aged seventy and above when they come within a four-Amot. It is commendable to be stringent and stand in the presence of adults aged sixty and above. If one is unsure whether an older person has reached age seventy, he must assume that he has, and stand in his presence. This obligation also requires offering an older person his seat on buses and trains, in the synagogue and at community functions.

Taken from: The Rabbi Jacob S. Kassin Memorial Halacha SeriesAuthored by Rabbi Eli J. Mansour (6/23/2011)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

British Royal House - Jewish?

It is interesting to note the following in the family tree of Kate
Middleton, wife of Prince William:

Kate's mother is Carol Middleton, daughter of Ronald Goldsmith and Dorothy
Harrison (both Jews)

The parents of Dorothy Harrison are Robert Harrison and Elizabeth Temple
(both Jews), the latter a descendant of the Myers family (traditional
English Jews in the 19th century)

Bottom line: Princess Kate is a Jew on her matrilineal side, and as a
consequence, the future king of England will be a Jew according to Jewish
Law and tradition.

Button of the ventilator is broken.

If the button of your ventilator broke and you cannot stop it from moving than is this the best solution:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Israel's cottage cheese revolution!

The "cottage cheese" revolution in Israel erupted in full force.

The uprising began as an initiative on Facebook as the "cottage cheese boycott" against the rising prices of basic products, in this case the cottage cheese. The effect is already palpable.
Thousands have signed an online petition and will not buy the cottage - the number of participants in the boycott is growing dramatically at present there are already 70,000 -.
This Facebook group promises after the "cottage cheese rebellion" also to protest against the high prices of other consumer goods that have become scandalously expensive.
Manufacturers have so far indicated that these popular protests are "arrogant" and that the manufacturers do not suffer from the boycott because cottage cheese is a primary need and we will continue to buy it anyway because they have no choice.
I see now that the cottage cheese in many supermarkets already are on offer at much cheaper prices. Surely the price will drop!
In Israel, food costs went up with more than 5% compared to one year ago.
While the salaries are not increased.

Protest: an ideal means of lowering prices, maybe the best tool to fight poverty after creating work for everyone.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Eclipse - June 15th 2011

The next total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011. The eclipse is particularly visible in Israel. This is one of the most spectacular lunar eclipses in recent years.

This eclipse will coincide with the Jewish month of Sivan after the Torah was 3323 years ago the Jewish people. This lunar eclipse was best visible above the Middle East.

The eclipse falls exactly seven days after Shawoe'ot (Pentecost).
Like Sukkot (Tabernacles) and Passover lunar eclipse appears as if it is a symbol of the 'decision' of the party Shawoe'ot.
The secrets of creation are revealed in the choreographed dance between the heavenly bodies and the earth, the two partial solar eclipses, first at the North Pole and South Pole on the second divided by a total lunar eclipse in the Middle East has a perfect symmetry.
It is in this symmetry of creation, the secrets are revealed.

Besides the natural beauty of the moon is there a link between the moon and the Jewish people. The Jewish people identify themselves with the Mon The constant change is reminiscent of our fate and the growth of the moon symbolizes our hope.
As the moon appears again every month as it renews itself every time Jewish people in their spiritual development and connection with God. Talmud (Sanhedrin 42b).

Often there are big events that happen after lunar eclipses. Let it be with the rachamim of Hashem that this eclipse will be the the announcement of good times for the Jewish people.