Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Eclipse - June 15th 2011

The next total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011. The eclipse is particularly visible in Israel. This is one of the most spectacular lunar eclipses in recent years.

This eclipse will coincide with the Jewish month of Sivan after the Torah was 3323 years ago the Jewish people. This lunar eclipse was best visible above the Middle East.

The eclipse falls exactly seven days after Shawoe'ot (Pentecost).
Like Sukkot (Tabernacles) and Passover lunar eclipse appears as if it is a symbol of the 'decision' of the party Shawoe'ot.
The secrets of creation are revealed in the choreographed dance between the heavenly bodies and the earth, the two partial solar eclipses, first at the North Pole and South Pole on the second divided by a total lunar eclipse in the Middle East has a perfect symmetry.
It is in this symmetry of creation, the secrets are revealed.

Besides the natural beauty of the moon is there a link between the moon and the Jewish people. The Jewish people identify themselves with the Mon The constant change is reminiscent of our fate and the growth of the moon symbolizes our hope.
As the moon appears again every month as it renews itself every time Jewish people in their spiritual development and connection with God. Talmud (Sanhedrin 42b).

Often there are big events that happen after lunar eclipses. Let it be with the rachamim of Hashem that this eclipse will be the the announcement of good times for the Jewish people.

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