I would like to share with you a story. A person who lives in London England who deals in diamonds, related this story to me. He travels many miles a year on an airplane for business.
The last two travels he took he was stopped at customs and millions of dollars worth of diamonds were taken away. From that point on for the next several weeks he wandered in the streets broken and sad.
A person in the community noticed him everyday wandering sadly and looking broken. The gentleman approached him and asked why do you look sad? He replied with the story that happened to him.
This person decided to buy a ticket immediately and travel with him to Israel to see rav Asher.
The young man entered rav Ashers' room. Before the young man could start speaking rav asher explained to him why he had come and what had happened to his diamonds. The young man feeling astonished for the rabbi had read his mind, started to feel hope and feel more relaxed.
Rav Asher asked that they should bring food for this young man and he should start eating. After he finished eating Rav Asher told him to say the whole book of psalms everyday for one week.The man returned to London.
Seemingly, the person never recited Psalms before realized that it would take him 24 hours to finish the whole book. So the first day he recited chapter 1 and 2 and then the last chapter 150. He asked g-d to fill in and complete the rest of the chapters in between. The second day till the seventh day he only said chapter 1 and chapter 150 and again he asked G-d to fill in the chapters in between.
On the seventh day when this person finished saying psalms he went to sleep. He awoke in the morning to the ringing of the phone. He answered it and on the other end of the line it was the customs department.
They said that they have made a mistake and ask him to please pick up all his merchandise. They young man travel led again to meet with rav asher and thank him for the miracle he had performed. Rav Asher replied that G-d is the miracle man and it was the power of reciting psalms.
If each and everyone of us will undertake to say the book of psalms each and everyday whether in a group or alone we can't even comprehend the powerful positive effect it will have for the jewish nation around the globe. And furthermore the happiness it will bring to the almighty G-d master of the universe.
There isn't any nature. The nature that we think and see is really spirituality above nature. There isn't anything that a person can't have and will not receive from the almighty G-d master of the universe.
But we must pray and believe through truth that there isn't anyone else who can and will give us anything and everything. Through this we will realize and accept that the almighty G-d master of the universe controls and runs the world with our best interest in mind.
We are all go through difficulties in life whether with our up bringing, friends, peers and parents. We all have complaints to our parents for what they did and didn't do in life, for not being understanding of us, not emotionally connected and not letting us be our self.
There isn't anything wrong in admitting our pain. It is just the opposite that it is healthy to do so.If we will not deal with our pain then we will eventually let it out at someone else.
If one will tuck it under the rug then it will only give the person more ammunition to live in their self-pity.
But if one realizes and deals with their pain, then G-d gives them the ability to move on and not be stuck in the rut. Then and only then will one be able to receive the faith, trust and unconditional love that the almighty G-d master of the universe gives each and every one of us.
In doing so we will then be able to surrender to go and enjoy the land that the almighty G-d master of the universe will show us.
In life we all have to uproot from something BUT we must not forget to take the story of the past with us. But we must always remember not to get stuck and live in the past.
If one takes the past with them then G-d can show us all the truth. If we heaven forbid get stuck in our self-piety then we can never witness the truth but end up living in denial.
By Mordechai Gutman
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Difficult life

A person passed away and went up to G-d. He asked: "G-d why was life so difficult for me in every way?"
G-d took him to a closet and opened the door. Inside was health, happiness and treasures waiting. G-d replied:"This was all destined for you. But I was waiting for you to ask".
Two people were discussing ideas what each one would do in a given situation, finally one replies to do such and such. The fellow being so impressed with the answer he asked his friend: "Where did you get that idea from?"
He replied: "G-d".
He said: "G-d has ideas that I wouldn't even think about."
The moral is very simple in every given situation G-d has the right answers and salvations for us and G-d will never forsake us. But we never know from where the salvation will appear. We must realize in every given situation one goes through G-d is going through it with them. So we must surrender to the Almighty master of the universe to seek his assistance and advise for G-d advise prevails all.
We together with our Jewish brothers must feel the pain of what is happening in our homeland and with our families. The soldiers are a purpose and reason from G-d to show us all, that G-d exists and we need not be afraid to stand up for the sake of
G-d. G-d is with us in our battle. All Jewish people are responsible for one another.
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