Op-ed: European educators brainwash young minds with blatant anti-Israel views
Manfred Gerstenfeld
Earlier this month it became known that the German EVZ Foundation had financed two high school student programs which promoted hatred of Israel. This state foundation was created to compensate Holocaust slave workers and fight contemporary anti-Semitism. In one program, Dutch Jewish anti-Israeli extremist Hayo Meyer came to the Anne Frank High School in Gutersloh. He equated Palestinian suffering with the mass murder of Jews in the Holocaust and termed Israel a "criminal state."
Since then, in the Nesbru High School in Asker, Norway, an exhibition sponsored by Norwegian Church Aid, was held on "Palestine." It included a picture of an Israeli flag crossed out and "Murder" written in reverse underneath it. After protest by an Israeli student and some bad publicity, the school finally decided to remove the exhibition.
It is crucially important to know much more about hatred spread against Israel and Jews in schools in the Western world. This contributes to the formation of a new generation of Israel haters and anti-Semites.
Very few studies give information on these topics. In the 1990s, Mitchell Bard studied the most widely used history textbooks in American high schools. Regarding Israel, he found them "full of factual errors, oversimplification, omission, and distortion." Bard concluded that American "high schools are, as far as anti-Israeli teaching is concerned, even worse than universities."
In 2008, another analysis by Gary Tobin and Dennis Ybarra confirmed this. They also found that Arab and Muslim interest groups try to whitewash and glorify all things Islamic and thus promote Islam. In this way, a whole series of lies has permeated American textbooks.
A study conducted on textbooks in France exposed that facts on the Middle East are presented in a way suggesting that Palestinian terrorism is different from general terrorism. One researcher summarized the description of Jews as a caricature: "In antiquity, these were the Hebrews whose religion, Judaism, was significantly improved by Jesus, founder of Christianity. At the end of the 19th century, a Jew and French officer (Dreyfus) was accused of treason. This divided the country until the beginning of the 20th century. Jews were exterminated and others who created Israel since then carry on an unjust war against the innocent Palestinians."
A "Panorama" television program aired by the BBC in 2010 exposed what is taught in Saudi-run Muslim schools in Britain. They use textbooks from Saudi Arabia that teach children from age six and up that Jews are descendents of monkeys and pigs. According to one textbook, "Jews are cursed by God." This book asked children to list the negative qualities of Jews. Teenagers who follow the Saudi national curriculum are being taught that Zionists aim to take over the world for Jews and that the fabricated text of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is true.
Sometimes, one can incite children with just a single sentence. In a Dutch language teaching book for the sixth grade in Belgium, students are asked to read sentences with the correct intonation. One was: "When a Palestinian child in Jerusalem saw a Jewish soldier arriving, he shrank in fear."
One can only imagine the reactions in Belgium if the text had read instead: "After a Palestinian suicide bomber killed many Jewish children and adults, the Belgian press mainly stressed the Israeli reaction to it."
A related subject is biased teaching. Information on this is sporadic and anecdotal. Dutch Holocaust scholar Johannes Houwink ten Cate remarked that in 2006, he watched the TV news with an 11-year-old-child. "It showed that the Israeli army had inadvertently caused civilian casualties. The child didn't believe that it was a mistake. I said: 'Listen, you know that in general, the Israeli army tries to avoid civilian casualties.' The child did not want to accept Ten Cate's viewpoint and replied, "My teachers told me otherwise in school."
In the US the youth group of the Orthodox Union, the National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY), has culture clubs in more than 150 public schools. These reach approximately 30,000 Jewish youngsters. Former OU Executive Vice-President Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb said, "We find that many of these children are very anti-Israeli. They have been very much brainwashed by an extremely anti-Israeli educational establishment."
The results of such distortions in teaching may lead many high school students - including Jewish ones - to arrive on campus with an ingrained anti-Israel bias. This will be caused partly by educators charged with forming young minds and values. Much more effort needs to be invested by parents, Jewish communities and the Israeli Government in order to expose and counteract this problem.
Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld has published 20 books. Several of these address anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
The merit of charity - Tsedakah saves from death
There's a nice story in Chadrei Chadarim about a grocery store owner in Bnei Brak who was approached by a young boy last Friday with a note from his father asking the owner to give the boy some sweets so that the children in the family would have a joyous Shabbos. Furthermore, the father wrote that there were 13 children in the family and that they were in dire straits. In the merit of the act of charity that the owner would perfom, the father blessed him with good health, nachas and success.
The store owner did not hesitate to fill a bag with sweets and to hand it to the elated boy. Shortly after, the man closed the store and was involved in a serious accident on his way home in which he emerged unscathed. When the police came and asked him for his driver's license, the man pulled out his wallet and found the note that the boy had delivered to him.
The man understood what had transpired, took a cab back to his store and filled a bag of groceries for the needy family. When a gadol who lives on the street where the store is located heard the story, he proclaimed that there was no doubt that the man was saved from the accident because of the mitzvah he had just performed.
צדקה תציל ממוות
Charity saves from death
(Thanks to Blogger Mashiach is coming)
The store owner did not hesitate to fill a bag with sweets and to hand it to the elated boy. Shortly after, the man closed the store and was involved in a serious accident on his way home in which he emerged unscathed. When the police came and asked him for his driver's license, the man pulled out his wallet and found the note that the boy had delivered to him.
The man understood what had transpired, took a cab back to his store and filled a bag of groceries for the needy family. When a gadol who lives on the street where the store is located heard the story, he proclaimed that there was no doubt that the man was saved from the accident because of the mitzvah he had just performed.
צדקה תציל ממוות
Charity saves from death
(Thanks to Blogger Mashiach is coming)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The kids leave our house sooner than we think
Beautiful watching these birds...it reminds me of our kids!
Robins: 4 Eggs, 4 Weeks from Fred Margulies on Vimeo.
Friday, July 29, 2011
The death of Rabbi 'Baba' Elazar
The Jewish world is deeply shocked about the death of the righteous rabbi "Baba Elazar" zt"l, he was a leader of our generation. He was murdered by one of the visitors who came to him for 'advice'.
He supported and gave advice to thousands of people who came to him for advice and blessings.
It is very urgent that we will make up our 'spriritual account' and repent from our misdeeds towards our fellow men. Especially during the days of mourning preceding the fast of the 9th of Av, the day of the destruction of both the Temples. The Temples were destroyed because of senseless hatred.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A hidden Mezuzah in Amsterdam
Mrs. Susan Rodrigues Pereira was renovating her house when she was surprised at the unique discovery in a wall at the entrance of her house.
Two mezuzot, one large and one small, and a mezuzah case hidden and cemented inside the walls of the entrance of the house.
These mezuzos were hidden in the wall during the Holocaust to avoid the Nazis noticing that it was a Jewish home.
Susan is a Jewish woman of Portuguese descent. Recently, she made a research to the origin of her family. She is a descendent of an old Jewish Portuguese family who once came to the Netherlands as Marranos. Of course she knows what a mezuzah is.
She investigated the story behind the mezuzos. She discovered that before the Holocaust many Jews lived in her street of which very few survived the war.
Her investigation led her to a businessman Josef Tafelkruier who lived in her house before the Holocaust. The house next door lived the community Rabbi Benjamin Israel Ricardo.
Susan continued her research and reached the rabbi's grandson Benjamin Ricardo who she contacted. Mr. Ricardo is named after his grandfather.
Mr. Ricardo recommended Susan to make contact with Mrs. Miriam Chanina who lives in Israel. Mrs. Chanina is a granddaughter of Joseph Tafelkruier from paternal side and from maternal side she is a granddaughter of Rabbi Ricardo who were each other's neighbors before the Holocaust.
"I never thought I would ever hear anything about my grandparents again and certainly not such a special story", as she said in an interview for the newspaper' Sichas Hashavuah.
"I was born three months after the liberation, in the house of Mrs. Maria Ieps, a Dutch medical doctor and a righteous person among the nations. My parents were hiding in her house throughout the Holocaust. My father was very active in the resistance. A couple of years ago he passed away in Israel".
Susan and Miriam corresponded with each other through the email. Mrs. Chaninah decided to go to visit Amsterdam in order to meet Susan at her home.
Susan handed the special mezuzos over to her after a tour in her grandfather's house.
"I cannot express in words what special experience this was, it was very emotional but also very impressive", says Miriam.
"I get very emotional when I think the amount of effort Susan made in order to return my grandfather's mezuzos back to me" .
Miriam's husband Chaim is a Sofer and he checked both the mezuzos. It appeared that the large mezuzah is kosher and the other mezuzah is not kosher. The large mezuzah is back at its old spot at the door of her grandparents' house in Amsterdam. The small mezuzah is given to the archive of "Logamee Hageta'ot 'Museum in Israel.
Two mezuzot, one large and one small, and a mezuzah case hidden and cemented inside the walls of the entrance of the house.
These mezuzos were hidden in the wall during the Holocaust to avoid the Nazis noticing that it was a Jewish home.
Susan is a Jewish woman of Portuguese descent. Recently, she made a research to the origin of her family. She is a descendent of an old Jewish Portuguese family who once came to the Netherlands as Marranos. Of course she knows what a mezuzah is.
She investigated the story behind the mezuzos. She discovered that before the Holocaust many Jews lived in her street of which very few survived the war.
Her investigation led her to a businessman Josef Tafelkruier who lived in her house before the Holocaust. The house next door lived the community Rabbi Benjamin Israel Ricardo.
Susan continued her research and reached the rabbi's grandson Benjamin Ricardo who she contacted. Mr. Ricardo is named after his grandfather.
Mr. Ricardo recommended Susan to make contact with Mrs. Miriam Chanina who lives in Israel. Mrs. Chanina is a granddaughter of Joseph Tafelkruier from paternal side and from maternal side she is a granddaughter of Rabbi Ricardo who were each other's neighbors before the Holocaust.
"I never thought I would ever hear anything about my grandparents again and certainly not such a special story", as she said in an interview for the newspaper' Sichas Hashavuah.
"I was born three months after the liberation, in the house of Mrs. Maria Ieps, a Dutch medical doctor and a righteous person among the nations. My parents were hiding in her house throughout the Holocaust. My father was very active in the resistance. A couple of years ago he passed away in Israel".
Susan and Miriam corresponded with each other through the email. Mrs. Chaninah decided to go to visit Amsterdam in order to meet Susan at her home.
Susan handed the special mezuzos over to her after a tour in her grandfather's house.
"I cannot express in words what special experience this was, it was very emotional but also very impressive", says Miriam.
"I get very emotional when I think the amount of effort Susan made in order to return my grandfather's mezuzos back to me" .
Miriam's husband Chaim is a Sofer and he checked both the mezuzos. It appeared that the large mezuzah is kosher and the other mezuzah is not kosher. The large mezuzah is back at its old spot at the door of her grandparents' house in Amsterdam. The small mezuzah is given to the archive of "Logamee Hageta'ot 'Museum in Israel.
In order to remember and never to forget:
"The story is not over". Miriam tells us, "Susan told me that due to the discovery of the mezuzos, the residents of the street are investigating the names of the people in our street during the war because many Jews lived here."
Miriam never knew her grandparents but she is closely tied to their traditions. "I feel I received a message from them. The younger generation must see how our grandparents continued their Judaism despite the fear and threat of the Nazis. They went so far as to hide the mezuzos inside the wall", says Miriam.
Adapted from the newspaper Chabad 'Sichas Hashvuah', written by Menachem Cohen.
"The story is not over". Miriam tells us, "Susan told me that due to the discovery of the mezuzos, the residents of the street are investigating the names of the people in our street during the war because many Jews lived here."
Miriam never knew her grandparents but she is closely tied to their traditions. "I feel I received a message from them. The younger generation must see how our grandparents continued their Judaism despite the fear and threat of the Nazis. They went so far as to hide the mezuzos inside the wall", says Miriam.
Adapted from the newspaper Chabad 'Sichas Hashvuah', written by Menachem Cohen.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Respect the Elderly
The Torah introduces the Mitzvah of "Mipenei Seva Takum Ve'hadarta Penei Zaken," which is a law that requires us to; stand in the presence of, and give respect to, Torah scholars and elders. This means that when a Torah scholar or elder comes within four Amot (6-8 feet) of a fellow, the fellow must stand and remain standing until the scholar or elder leaves his four-Amot radius.
The question arises, what constitutes an "elder" for purposes of this Halacha? At what age do we consider one an "elder" insofar as the obligation to stand in his presence and afford him honor is concerned?
Maran (author of Shulchan Aruch) and most Poskim (authorities of Halacha) are of the opinion that a person becomes an "elder" at age seventy, while the Ben Ish Chai (Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, 1835-1909) cites the Arizal (Egypt-Tzefat, 1534-1572) as claiming that the obligation applies already from the age of sixty. Strictly speaking, Halacha follows the view of Maran and most other Poskim, that the Mitzvah applies only to those aged seventy and above. But, Halacha says of one who wishes to be stringent and follow the Arizal's view, "Tavo Alav Beracha" – he is deserving of blessing.
Very often, one sees an older person but cannot ascertain whether or not he is older than sixty or seventy. What should one do in such a case when he cannot determine the age of an older person?
Chacham Ovadia Yoseph applies to this situation the principle of "Safek De'orayta Le'chumra," meaning, when an uncertainty arises concerning a Torah obligation or prohibition, one must act stringently. In this situation, when the Torah obligation of "Mipenei Seva Takum" is at stake, one must stand, even though he is unsure whether the older person has reached the age at which this obligation applies.
Therefore, for example, if a person sits on a bus or train and an older person walks within four Amot of him, he must stand. It should go without saying that if the older person has no other seat, one must stand and offer his seat. Though this might seem obvious, unfortunately, in today's culture of selfishness, many people lack this basic ethical principle, and do not offer their seat to an older person on a bus or train.
By the same token, we must train our children to show respect to not only those over the age of sixty or seventy, but to adults in general. Every so often there is overcrowding in the synagogue or at community functions, and there are more people than seats. Parents should train their children to stand and allow an older person to have their seat. But when it comes to people above the age of seventy, or, according to the Arizal, above sixty, there is an actual Torah obligation for even grownups to stand and offer the older person his seat, and whoever does so first is credited with a Mitzvah.
In summary, one must stand in the presence of Torah scholars and elderly people aged seventy and above when they come within a four-Amot. It is commendable to be stringent and stand in the presence of adults aged sixty and above. If one is unsure whether an older person has reached age seventy, he must assume that he has, and stand in his presence. This obligation also requires offering an older person his seat on buses and trains, in the synagogue and at community functions.
Taken from: The Rabbi Jacob S. Kassin Memorial Halacha SeriesAuthored by Rabbi Eli J. Mansour (6/23/2011)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
British Royal House - Jewish?
It is interesting to note the following in the family tree of Kate
Middleton, wife of Prince William:
Kate's mother is Carol Middleton, daughter of Ronald Goldsmith and Dorothy
Harrison (both Jews)
The parents of Dorothy Harrison are Robert Harrison and Elizabeth Temple
(both Jews), the latter a descendant of the Myers family (traditional
English Jews in the 19th century)
Bottom line: Princess Kate is a Jew on her matrilineal side, and as a
consequence, the future king of England will be a Jew according to Jewish
Law and tradition.
Button of the ventilator is broken.
If the button of your ventilator broke and you cannot stop it from moving than is this the best solution:
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Israel's cottage cheese revolution!
The "cottage cheese" revolution in Israel erupted in full force.
The uprising began as an initiative on Facebook as the "cottage cheese boycott" against the rising prices of basic products, in this case the cottage cheese. The effect is already palpable.
Thousands have signed an online petition and will not buy the cottage - the number of participants in the boycott is growing dramatically at present there are already 70,000 -.
This Facebook group promises after the "cottage cheese rebellion" also to protest against the high prices of other consumer goods that have become scandalously expensive.
Manufacturers have so far indicated that these popular protests are "arrogant" and that the manufacturers do not suffer from the boycott because cottage cheese is a primary need and we will continue to buy it anyway because they have no choice.
I see now that the cottage cheese in many supermarkets already are on offer at much cheaper prices. Surely the price will drop!
In Israel, food costs went up with more than 5% compared to one year ago.
While the salaries are not increased.
Protest: an ideal means of lowering prices, maybe the best tool to fight poverty after creating work for everyone.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Eclipse - June 15th 2011
The next total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011. The eclipse is particularly visible in Israel. This is one of the most spectacular lunar eclipses in recent years.
This eclipse will coincide with the Jewish month of Sivan after the Torah was 3323 years ago the Jewish people. This lunar eclipse was best visible above the Middle East.
The eclipse falls exactly seven days after Shawoe'ot (Pentecost).
Like Sukkot (Tabernacles) and Passover lunar eclipse appears as if it is a symbol of the 'decision' of the party Shawoe'ot.
The secrets of creation are revealed in the choreographed dance between the heavenly bodies and the earth, the two partial solar eclipses, first at the North Pole and South Pole on the second divided by a total lunar eclipse in the Middle East has a perfect symmetry.
It is in this symmetry of creation, the secrets are revealed.
Besides the natural beauty of the moon is there a link between the moon and the Jewish people. The Jewish people identify themselves with the Mon The constant change is reminiscent of our fate and the growth of the moon symbolizes our hope.
As the moon appears again every month as it renews itself every time Jewish people in their spiritual development and connection with God. Talmud (Sanhedrin 42b).
Often there are big events that happen after lunar eclipses. Let it be with the rachamim of Hashem that this eclipse will be the the announcement of good times for the Jewish people.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
U.S.A. ignores deaththreat...Why?
The U.S.A. wants to force Israel to retreat to the borders of 1967 in order to proclaim a Palestinian State.
How can any nation of the world take such a responsibility when the Palestinians are openly declaring the destruction of the Jewish State. This is only possible if the safety of the Jews has absolutely no importance for the nations of the world.
After Auswitz nothing has changed!! Alas....
Take a look at this video clip:
How can any nation of the world take such a responsibility when the Palestinians are openly declaring the destruction of the Jewish State. This is only possible if the safety of the Jews has absolutely no importance for the nations of the world.
After Auswitz nothing has changed!! Alas....
Take a look at this video clip:
Monday, May 9, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Facebook is spreading hate
Hating Israel on Facebook
Arabs try to launch a third Intifada. Stop the hate on Facebook.
by Aish.com staff
Update: March 27, 2011 – While people around the Middle East are using Facebook to organize peace movements, Palestinian Arabs have launched a violent movement called "Third Intifada" – using Facebook to organize another terror war against Israel. The previous Intifada resulted in the deaths of over 5,000 people.
The "Third Intifada" Facebook page already has hundreds of thousands of followers.
Stop the terror! Sign the petition , calling on Facebook to remove this call to violence!
Arabs try to launch a third Intifada. Stop the hate on Facebook.
by Aish.com staff
Update: March 27, 2011 – While people around the Middle East are using Facebook to organize peace movements, Palestinian Arabs have launched a violent movement called "Third Intifada" – using Facebook to organize another terror war against Israel. The previous Intifada resulted in the deaths of over 5,000 people.
The "Third Intifada" Facebook page already has hundreds of thousands of followers.
Stop the terror! Sign the petition , calling on Facebook to remove this call to violence!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Indians
Watch this video which I saw by Lazer Beams. The ideas of this old Indian is very similar to the Jewish ideas.
Friday, March 18, 2011
If Only.....
- If Adam and Chava were Chassidish we would still be in paradise... Chava would never be allowed to talk to Adam!
- If Adam and Chava were Chinese we would still be in Paradise ... Instead of
the apple they would've eaten the snake!
- If Adam and Chava were Mexican we would still be in paradise.... They
wouldn't have been able to reach the tree!
- If Adam and Chava were Rednecks we'd still be in paradise... They wouldn't
have had enough teeth to eat the apple!
- If Adam and Chava were Muslim we'd still be in Paradise ... Adam would
never listened to his wife & would never have eaten the apple!
- If Adam and Chava were African we would still be in Paradise ... Instead of
the apple Adam would've eaten Chava!
- If Adam and Chava would've been Jewish we would still be in Paradise ...
They would have sold the freakin apple!
- If Adam & Chava were Briskers we'd still be in paradise... They'd still be
Klering which Brocha to make!
- If Adam & Chava would've been Amshinov we would still be in Paradise ...
They would still not have eaten it yet!
- If Chava had been a seminary girl we'd still be in paradise..... Chava
would've shrieked and ran away when she saw the snake!
- If Adam & Chava would've been American we'd still be in Paradise ... They
would never have eaten anything healthy!
- If Adam and Chava had been doctors we'd still be in Paradise .... The apple
would've kept them away.
- If Adam & Chava would have worked for Bill Gates we'd still be in
paradise... They would have been told to stay away from Apple at all costs!
- If Adam & Chava would have been Polish we'd still be in paradise... They
would have no clue what to do with an apple!
- If Adam and Chava were Chinese we would still be in Paradise ... Instead of
the apple they would've eaten the snake!
- If Adam and Chava were Mexican we would still be in paradise.... They
wouldn't have been able to reach the tree!
- If Adam and Chava were Rednecks we'd still be in paradise... They wouldn't
have had enough teeth to eat the apple!
- If Adam and Chava were Muslim we'd still be in Paradise ... Adam would
never listened to his wife & would never have eaten the apple!
- If Adam and Chava were African we would still be in Paradise ... Instead of
the apple Adam would've eaten Chava!
- If Adam and Chava would've been Jewish we would still be in Paradise ...
They would have sold the freakin apple!
- If Adam & Chava were Briskers we'd still be in paradise... They'd still be
Klering which Brocha to make!
- If Adam & Chava would've been Amshinov we would still be in Paradise ...
They would still not have eaten it yet!
- If Chava had been a seminary girl we'd still be in paradise..... Chava
would've shrieked and ran away when she saw the snake!
- If Adam & Chava would've been American we'd still be in Paradise ... They
would never have eaten anything healthy!
- If Adam and Chava had been doctors we'd still be in Paradise .... The apple
would've kept them away.
- If Adam & Chava would have worked for Bill Gates we'd still be in
paradise... They would have been told to stay away from Apple at all costs!
- If Adam & Chava would have been Polish we'd still be in paradise... They
would have no clue what to do with an apple!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
A letter to the Pope
Dear His Holiness the Pope,
Through this letter I like to thank you for stating in your book that the Jewish people are acquitted of the crucifixion of Jesus. Yes, now I am relieved. Catholicism is today no more anti-Semitic. The Jewish people have a new friend. How wonderful, who would believe this? Although I wonder what the Catholics will still hold together, what will unite the people?
Maybe His Holiness wrote this because we have a common enemy so it is better to form a coalition with those who killed the son of God? Those who so stubbornly refused to admit to the truth. So obstinate that they were even prepared to give their lives for this? No, anti-Semitism is part of the Catholics and as such I rather keep it. Until now I knew where to place them, but now I am a bit confused.
To refresh my memory:

- Crusades
- Blood libels
- Inquisition
- Pogroms
- Cooperation (certainly no opposition) to Hitler
Oh these are just a few little things. In fact, now I just forgive and forget because now everything changed. I feel appreciation and gratitude to His Holiness.
The Jewish scholars have, long ago, given us very good advice: "respect them but watch out for their intentions".
Nevertheless let me look at the future, what will be the attitude of the Catholic Church from now on towards the Jewish people and the Jewish state?
Will the Catholic Church continue to condemn Israel for their "crimes"?
Who needs enemies with such good friends?
Lea Farkash
And on behalf of my ancestors who were murdered during autodafe's.
Through this letter I like to thank you for stating in your book that the Jewish people are acquitted of the crucifixion of Jesus. Yes, now I am relieved. Catholicism is today no more anti-Semitic. The Jewish people have a new friend. How wonderful, who would believe this? Although I wonder what the Catholics will still hold together, what will unite the people?
Maybe His Holiness wrote this because we have a common enemy so it is better to form a coalition with those who killed the son of God? Those who so stubbornly refused to admit to the truth. So obstinate that they were even prepared to give their lives for this? No, anti-Semitism is part of the Catholics and as such I rather keep it. Until now I knew where to place them, but now I am a bit confused.
To refresh my memory:

- Crusades
- Blood libels
- Inquisition
- Pogroms
- Cooperation (certainly no opposition) to Hitler
Oh these are just a few little things. In fact, now I just forgive and forget because now everything changed. I feel appreciation and gratitude to His Holiness.
The Jewish scholars have, long ago, given us very good advice: "respect them but watch out for their intentions".
Nevertheless let me look at the future, what will be the attitude of the Catholic Church from now on towards the Jewish people and the Jewish state?
Will the Catholic Church continue to condemn Israel for their "crimes"?
Who needs enemies with such good friends?
Lea Farkash
And on behalf of my ancestors who were murdered during autodafe's.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Global Changes
Earth Could Be Unrecognizable By 2050 - A harrowing story from discovery.com is focused on population growth and dwindling resources. The bottom line: western economies and "progress" are predicated on growth. But growth relies on natural resources, which are finite. It's getting more expensive to find and extract oil and natural gas - look at how commodity prices have spiked in just the last year, the result of natural disasters coupled with rising demand for food staples worldwide. Researchers warned at a major US science conference Sunday - "A growing, more affluent population competing for ever scarcer resources could make for an "unrecognizable" world by 2050."
The United Nations has predicted the global population will reach seven billion this year, and climb to nine billion by 2050, "with almost all of the growth occurring in poor countries, particularly Africa and South Asia." To feed all those mouths, "WE WILL NEED TO PRODUCE AS MUCH FOOD IN THE NEXT 40 YEARS AS WE HAVE IN THE LAST 8,000. By 2050 we will not have a planet left that is recognizable" if current trends continue. But incomes are also expected to rise over the next 40 years - tripling globally and quintupling in developing nations - and add more strain to global food supplies. People tend to move up the food chain as their incomes rise, consuming more meat than they might have when they made less money. It takes around seven pounds (3.4 kilograms) of grain to produce a pound of meat, and around three to four pounds of grain to produce a pound of cheese or eggs. "More people, more money, more consumption, but the same planet." Scientists and governments were urged to start making changes now to how food is produced. Population experts, meanwhile, called for more funding for family planning programs to help control the growth in the number of humans, especially in developing nations. "For 20 years, there's been very little investment in family planning, but there's a return of interest now, partly because of the environmental factors like global warming and food prices. We want to minimize population growth, and the only viable way to do that is through more effective family planning." Global disaster watch
Yes scary and yes we are living in the 'end of days'. As Judaism teaches us that all the souls have to come down to the world in order to see what Hashem will do as is written in the Aleinו l'shabeiach prayer: כל בני בשר יקראו בשמך, ....יכירו וידעו כליושבי תבל כי לך תכרע כל ברך תשבע כל לשון....ויקבלו כלם את טול מלכותך
'then all humanity will call upon You....All the world's inhabitants will recognize and know ...and they will all accept upon themselves the yoke of Your kingship.
Do not despair.
The United Nations has predicted the global population will reach seven billion this year, and climb to nine billion by 2050, "with almost all of the growth occurring in poor countries, particularly Africa and South Asia." To feed all those mouths, "WE WILL NEED TO PRODUCE AS MUCH FOOD IN THE NEXT 40 YEARS AS WE HAVE IN THE LAST 8,000. By 2050 we will not have a planet left that is recognizable" if current trends continue. But incomes are also expected to rise over the next 40 years - tripling globally and quintupling in developing nations - and add more strain to global food supplies. People tend to move up the food chain as their incomes rise, consuming more meat than they might have when they made less money. It takes around seven pounds (3.4 kilograms) of grain to produce a pound of meat, and around three to four pounds of grain to produce a pound of cheese or eggs. "More people, more money, more consumption, but the same planet." Scientists and governments were urged to start making changes now to how food is produced. Population experts, meanwhile, called for more funding for family planning programs to help control the growth in the number of humans, especially in developing nations. "For 20 years, there's been very little investment in family planning, but there's a return of interest now, partly because of the environmental factors like global warming and food prices. We want to minimize population growth, and the only viable way to do that is through more effective family planning." Global disaster watch
Yes scary and yes we are living in the 'end of days'. As Judaism teaches us that all the souls have to come down to the world in order to see what Hashem will do as is written in the Aleinו l'shabeiach prayer: כל בני בשר יקראו בשמך, ....יכירו וידעו כליושבי תבל כי לך תכרע כל ברך תשבע כל לשון....ויקבלו כלם את טול מלכותך
'then all humanity will call upon You....All the world's inhabitants will recognize and know ...and they will all accept upon themselves the yoke of Your kingship.
Do not despair.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Dangerous weather and Redemption
Severe weather conditions reported to for the U.S.A. north west.
CHICAGO - A monster winter storm had the central U.S. gearing up its defenses on Monday against a potentially deadly mix of sleet, snow and ice that could affect 100 million people by the time it blows through the Northeast and mid-Atlantic. While record snowfalls have pounded the Northeast in what's shaping up to be one of that region's most brutal winters, the Midwest has been comparatively unscathed. Not this time: Up to two feet of snow was forecast for some cities, and the storm was expected to carve a frigid path from Colorado to New England by week's end. Thunderstorms and tornadoes were possible farther south.
Australia: SYDNEY — A strong tropical cyclone roaring toward Australia's flood-ravaged northeast will likely cause powerful and deadly flash-flooding, officials warned Tuesday, as residents braced for what's predicted to be one of the fiercest storms the region has ever seen.
Japan: A volcano in southern Japan erupted again today, its most powerful explosion since it roared back to life last week, sending ash over a wide area and forcing the evacuation of hundreds of residents. Experts are concerned that the worst activity is yet to come. Lava is building up in the crater as a result of pressure from below, although it is not clear whether the eruptions will produce enough lava to spill over the rim and down the mountainside.
Quote rabbi Nir Ben Artzi: "Volcanoes, earthquakes, severe storm winds will hurt every country outside of the Holy Eretz Yisrael. The Creator of the World is raising a standard – every week it’s higher and this won’t cease until the world’s repair is finished."
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CHICAGO - A monster winter storm had the central U.S. gearing up its defenses on Monday against a potentially deadly mix of sleet, snow and ice that could affect 100 million people by the time it blows through the Northeast and mid-Atlantic. While record snowfalls have pounded the Northeast in what's shaping up to be one of that region's most brutal winters, the Midwest has been comparatively unscathed. Not this time: Up to two feet of snow was forecast for some cities, and the storm was expected to carve a frigid path from Colorado to New England by week's end. Thunderstorms and tornadoes were possible farther south.
Australia: SYDNEY — A strong tropical cyclone roaring toward Australia's flood-ravaged northeast will likely cause powerful and deadly flash-flooding, officials warned Tuesday, as residents braced for what's predicted to be one of the fiercest storms the region has ever seen.
Japan: A volcano in southern Japan erupted again today, its most powerful explosion since it roared back to life last week, sending ash over a wide area and forcing the evacuation of hundreds of residents. Experts are concerned that the worst activity is yet to come. Lava is building up in the crater as a result of pressure from below, although it is not clear whether the eruptions will produce enough lava to spill over the rim and down the mountainside.
Quote rabbi Nir Ben Artzi: "Volcanoes, earthquakes, severe storm winds will hurt every country outside of the Holy Eretz Yisrael. The Creator of the World is raising a standard – every week it’s higher and this won’t cease until the world’s repair is finished."
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Time is there - All Jews to Israel
Highly recommended by rabbi Nir is that he is of the opinion that all Jews should come and live in Israel. Have a look at the interview.
Watch Part of Live Broadcast with Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi
Maimonides in Mishnah Torah: "If a king will arise from the House of David who occupies himself with the study of theTorah and the performance of the MItzvos like David his ancestor, in accordance with the Written Law and the Oral Law; and if he will compel all of Israel to follow (the Torah) and strengthen its observance; and if he will fight the wars of G'd; than he is assumed to be the Messiah. If he does these things and is successful, and he builds the Temple on its place, and gathers in the exiles of Israel, then he is definately the Messiah."
Watch Part of Live Broadcast with Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi
Maimonides in Mishnah Torah: "If a king will arise from the House of David who occupies himself with the study of theTorah and the performance of the MItzvos like David his ancestor, in accordance with the Written Law and the Oral Law; and if he will compel all of Israel to follow (the Torah) and strengthen its observance; and if he will fight the wars of G'd; than he is assumed to be the Messiah. If he does these things and is successful, and he builds the Temple on its place, and gathers in the exiles of Israel, then he is definately the Messiah."
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Soap of Jewish Victims from Holocaust
RIF Soap Handed To Misaskim For Burial – Rabbonim To Pasken What Should Be Done With It
(Tuesday, January 25th, 2011)
At Misaskim, unexpected and sad realities of life are unfortunately a daily occurrence. But last week, Misaskim was presented with an even more perplexing question than usual: what to do with a bar of soap that many Holocaust survivors believe contains human remains? This rare bar of soap, engraved with the letters RIF, was recently discovered by the Mermelstein family while cleaning up the apartment of their aging uncle, Yosef Weinberger.
Weinberger was a young adolescent who survived during the Holocaust by hiding in bunkers. Of a family of 13, only Yosef and 3 other siblings survived. However, it wasn’t only the chilling memories of his youth that shadowed Yosef each day. Tucked away in a faded green suitcase, he kept various items that were a testament to the inferno he survived. Among these objects was a tattered She’eris Hapleitah Siddur, books from the war era, legal immigration documents, and various wartime letters. Mr. Meremelstein, Yosef’s nephew, was startled when he also discovered a little package carefully wrapped in brown paper that contained a small, brownish, numbered bar of RIF soap.
Many Holocaust survivors believe that the RIF soap was made from the fat of Jewish victims during the Holocaust R’L. They have been told that RIF is the acronym for Reines Juden Fett. In fact, Nuremburg Trial judges, after accepting the testimony of a Polish national, Sigmund Mazur, ruled that the soap does indeed contain human remains,. Mazur told the judges that during the war he had worked as a laboratory assistant for Rudolf Spanner, a German professor, at the Gdansk Anatomical Institute. Mazur related that he had been involved in the production of soap from human fat.
In 2006, Poland’s IPN announced that it had completed an inquiry that confirmed that the soap had been rendered from human fat. Professor Andrzej Stolyhwo, who conducted the study for the IPN, obtained a sample of the soap that was presented at the Nuremberg trials and tested its contents. Stolyhwo declared that his study proves that the soap was made between 1945 and 1946 under the direction of Professor Spanner.
However, today it is universally accepted by historians and Holocaust experts that only a small amount of soap was produced by Spanner and that the soap was never mass produced. They explain that RIF stands for Reichsstelle Fur Industrielle Fettversorgung (Reich Center for Industrial Fat Provisioning). Yad V’shem, The Simon Wiesenthal Center, and other prestigious Holocaust museums all agree that since no hard evidence was ever uncovered that the soap was produced from human victims, it was most likely a cruel rumor that the Nazis spread in order to psychologically torture Jewish inmates.
Victims in the concentration camps were taunted by the SS and told that they would soon be turned into soap. Survivors, who had witnessed unspeakable horrors, firmly believed this to be true. Immediately after the war, public levayas were held in Austria, France, Germany, Romania, and Israel during which bars of RIF soap were buried. Metzeivos were erected at the burial sites memorializing those who were murdered by the Nazis and who had never received a proper burial.
Misaskim is currently consulting with its rabbinical authority to determine the appropriate way of treating the RIF soap, and whether it needs to be buried. It is Misaski’s sincerest hope — whatever the outcome — that this incident should serve to be m’kadeish shem Shamayim all those who perished in the Holocaust and who were never brought to kvuras Yisroel.
From The Yeshiva World
(Tuesday, January 25th, 2011)
At Misaskim, unexpected and sad realities of life are unfortunately a daily occurrence. But last week, Misaskim was presented with an even more perplexing question than usual: what to do with a bar of soap that many Holocaust survivors believe contains human remains? This rare bar of soap, engraved with the letters RIF, was recently discovered by the Mermelstein family while cleaning up the apartment of their aging uncle, Yosef Weinberger.
Weinberger was a young adolescent who survived during the Holocaust by hiding in bunkers. Of a family of 13, only Yosef and 3 other siblings survived. However, it wasn’t only the chilling memories of his youth that shadowed Yosef each day. Tucked away in a faded green suitcase, he kept various items that were a testament to the inferno he survived. Among these objects was a tattered She’eris Hapleitah Siddur, books from the war era, legal immigration documents, and various wartime letters. Mr. Meremelstein, Yosef’s nephew, was startled when he also discovered a little package carefully wrapped in brown paper that contained a small, brownish, numbered bar of RIF soap.

Many Holocaust survivors believe that the RIF soap was made from the fat of Jewish victims during the Holocaust R’L. They have been told that RIF is the acronym for Reines Juden Fett. In fact, Nuremburg Trial judges, after accepting the testimony of a Polish national, Sigmund Mazur, ruled that the soap does indeed contain human remains,. Mazur told the judges that during the war he had worked as a laboratory assistant for Rudolf Spanner, a German professor, at the Gdansk Anatomical Institute. Mazur related that he had been involved in the production of soap from human fat.
In 2006, Poland’s IPN announced that it had completed an inquiry that confirmed that the soap had been rendered from human fat. Professor Andrzej Stolyhwo, who conducted the study for the IPN, obtained a sample of the soap that was presented at the Nuremberg trials and tested its contents. Stolyhwo declared that his study proves that the soap was made between 1945 and 1946 under the direction of Professor Spanner.
However, today it is universally accepted by historians and Holocaust experts that only a small amount of soap was produced by Spanner and that the soap was never mass produced. They explain that RIF stands for Reichsstelle Fur Industrielle Fettversorgung (Reich Center for Industrial Fat Provisioning). Yad V’shem, The Simon Wiesenthal Center, and other prestigious Holocaust museums all agree that since no hard evidence was ever uncovered that the soap was produced from human victims, it was most likely a cruel rumor that the Nazis spread in order to psychologically torture Jewish inmates.
Victims in the concentration camps were taunted by the SS and told that they would soon be turned into soap. Survivors, who had witnessed unspeakable horrors, firmly believed this to be true. Immediately after the war, public levayas were held in Austria, France, Germany, Romania, and Israel during which bars of RIF soap were buried. Metzeivos were erected at the burial sites memorializing those who were murdered by the Nazis and who had never received a proper burial.
Misaskim is currently consulting with its rabbinical authority to determine the appropriate way of treating the RIF soap, and whether it needs to be buried. It is Misaski’s sincerest hope — whatever the outcome — that this incident should serve to be m’kadeish shem Shamayim all those who perished in the Holocaust and who were never brought to kvuras Yisroel.
From The Yeshiva World
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Behind the scenes look at conception

On the night that a couple have intimate relations, God calls the Angel of Pregnancy and informs him that Mr. A is about to fertilize the egg of Mrs. A. He tells him to go and gather the sperm in a cup and to disperse it on a threshing floor into 365 parts. The angel does this and brings it back to God whereupon the angel asks, “What will become of this drop of sperm?” Immediately God decrees whether it will be strong or weak, long or short, male or female, ignorant or wise, rich or poor, but concerning righteous or wicked God does not decree as it is up to each person to choose.

Next, God hints to the Angel of the Spirits to bring him a certain holy soul who resides along with many other holy souls in the Sanctuary of Souls in the afterworld. The soul appears before God and bows down before Him. God tells him to enter the drop of sperm whereupon the soul immediately responds by saying: “My God, I am satisfied in the world that I have been in since the day I was created, so please do not make me enter this impure droplet since I am totally pure and holy.” God responds by saying: “The world which you are about to enter is a better place than the one you are coming from.

Furthermore, when I created you, I had in mind for you to enter this particular droplet of sperm.” Immediately God escorts the soul into the droplet, whereupon the Angel of Pregnancy comes and implants it in the mother’s womb, commissions two other angels to guard it, and they place a candle on the droplet’s head. The droplet then sees things from the beginning of time until the end of the world. In the morning, the angel escorts him to the Garden of Eden and shows him all of the righteous people sitting in their full glory, and says to the droplet: “Do you know what sort of soul was in those righteous people?” The spirit says “No.” The angel then points to one of them and says: “That particular one had a soul very similar to yours, and if you lead your life on earth as they did, after moving into the afterlife, you shall join these righteous ones in the glory in which you now see them. However, if you choose not to follow their way, you will end up in a place that I will show you later.”
That night the angel takes the soul to visit Gehinom (Hell) and shows him wicked people who are constantly being beaten by the Angels of Destruction and proceeds to tell him: “This fire will be your fate if you do not follow in the Almighty’s ways. The next day the angel takes the soul on a tour of every step he will take during his lifetime on earth, where he will live, where he will be buried, and again shows him the good world and the bad one.

That night he returns the spirit to the mother’s womb, whereupon he remains for the next nine months. At the end of this period, the same angel appears and says, “Your time has arrived to come out.” The soul still does not want to come out but the angel reminds him that against your will you shall come into this better world. As he is being born, the soul begins to cry because of the world he is leaving behind. The angel strokes him under the nose and extinguishes the candle above its head, whereupon the soul promptly forgets all that he was shown.
(Source: Yellinek, A. [1967]. Sefer Bet Midrash Cheder Rishon. Third Edition, Jerusalem) Dr. Bernie Kastner's blog text to click on
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
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